Monday, June 15, 2009

Weekend Walk About

We walked in the woods Friday evening.

The sun was still bright when the
Eastern Tailed Blues were puddling in the parking lot.

As the evening began to descend
we spotted the Little Wood Satyr.

When we spotted the Great Spangled Fritillary
the sun was starting to set.
We stopped and watched the Herons.
They were getting ready for the night.

Saturday we walked about the Plaza.

A festival was being set up.
The Dragon Boats were coming!

It was Sunday's walk in the woods

that made the weekend so incredible!

It was spending time with the Jewel Wings that stirred my spirit.
Maybe we can grab an afternoon this week to walk in the woods.
I want to be in the woods!


Janie said...

Your flora and fauna close-ups are just amazing. Hope you have the time to walk in the woods this week.

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Thank you so much for sharing your walks with us! I love the winged ones and the dragons and, well, the entire stroll!

The Magic Onions said...

Beautiful butterflies! I'd love to know butterfly names... I'll put a butterfly guide book on my wish list. Thanks for the inspiration.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful selection of pictures !

Miss_Yves said...

Great harmony !

RA said...

Stunning photos all over the blog! I really felt like walking in beauty on your blog. Have a wonderful week :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks like lots of flora, fauna...even dragons...are out & about this week. ;-)

Mara said...

I so need to get myself a better camera! Such fantastic shots, I couldn't even pick the one I liked best...

Shelley said...

All beautiful - the butterflies were my fave!

marmee said...

very nice walk into the woods...especially since you get to see so many wonderful creatures.
are you going to the dragon boat festival? looks like it would be fun. hope you have time to walk again soon.

Judy said...

Walking without dogs does have its advantages - you can watch butterflies!! My favourite shot is the seedhead at the beginning of the post, though!! I just love the shape of the parachutes!

Chloe m said...

Great close-ups. I am looking to upgrade my camera. What camera did you use to take these? Thanks!

A wildlife gardener said...

I feel such an affinity between us for you and I both love all the wild things...

Wonderful photography...loved the flower in the first photo...beautiful in its seed-time...

Here's the latest video of Barleycorn in June...

Chloe m said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and also thanks for info about cameras!

Tammie Lee said...

You are gifted at capturing the beauty of this world!

lazyclick said...

Butterflies are very beautiful.

Dawn Fine said...

Beautiful Flower seedhead!
and the bugs are great as always!

Sylvia said...

Love that first picture..have you ever thought of making note cards out of your pictures? I'd buy some!!!