Friday, February 1, 2008


February 1st
is known in the Celtic world as

The history of this tradition and of the three fold goddess, Brigid is inspiring.
Brigid reminds me today to be in balance.
She reminds me I am connected to nature and the cycles of the seasons.

Happy February!


Anonymous said...

Best thing about Brigid, she the goddess of poetry.

Q said...

Dear Cathy,
I did not know that! I knew very little about Brigid until I did some research. I enjoy knowing the history and the whys of why we do the things we do. I was looking for St. Brigit when I learned about Imbolic some years ago.
I learn something new every day.
Thank you. Goddess of poerty is my kind of goddess!
I bet you have some "Brigid" in you.
Happy Imbolic.

smilnsigh said...

I missed the day, of the tradition of Brigid. Missed the exact day, that is. But she can still inspire me.

I'm trying for balance. I love to notice the cycles of the seasons.


Q said...

Dear Mari-Nanci,
So much to learn! Some people combine Brigid and St. Briget and Imbolc and Candlemass. It is just the idea that we honor who we are and know we are connected.
I see myself as a three legged stool; body, mind and spirit. If one leg gets too long or short my stool falls over!
I honor my body and my mind and my spirit. I do this with gratitude.
Thank you for walking with me and sharing in the ways of balance.