Saturday, January 19, 2008


It was zero degrees when I went out
to feed the birds this morning.

The sun was bright.

The birds were puffed up and staying warm.

They could feel the wind chill.

Too cold for me to stay out for very long.
Mockingbird understood.
I signed up for yoga classes.
Twice a week for three months.
I need to stretch and move
even when it is zero degrees.


smilnsigh said...

OH! You are even colder than I am. :-)

Move. Stretch. Yoga. Sounds good. The part which doesn't, to me, is "class." Somehow I don't do well, in class. I was never awfully nimble and now... even less so. I feel so uncomfortable, around all the other class members, who are always more 'whatever' than I.

Guess I should get a tape and do it at home then, hu? -smile- Do more than the daily morning stretches I do in bed, warm under the covers, before I get up.


Q said...

Dear Mari-Nanci,
It is cold! A easterly breeze this morning is keeping me in. Brrr...
When my toe began to have troubles last year I had to stop my yoga class. I no longer could do the standing poses. I do miss it! Since that time my yoga teacher retired and her studio closed. This class is for people who have had injury. The yoga is done while sitting on a chair so I think I will be okay. I like yoga since it is non-competive. Being in a class is nice for me. I enjoy classmates and the energy of a group encourages me. Yesterday my husband I joined the local YMCA for three months. It is here the yoga class is offered. I will see how I do.
I can walk on the treadmill there also when I cannot get outside to do my daily walk. I could also do both!
I intend to still post here on, "Walking in Beauty" even when I do not take an actual walk. Sometimes we "sit" in the beauty of the day.
I also stretch in bed! I wake up the legs and the arms and my mind all at the same time.
Bending and stretching and reaching for the stars helps to keep us walking and enjoying.
Thank you for sharing this walk with me.

Chrissie said...

Wonderful bright photos, Sherry. They are lovely to look at. We have been out walking this pm but back before dark. Yoga sounds good to keep the body moving. Stay warm. We're having tea now if you would like one :-)

Q said...

Dear Chris,
Please to have a cup of tea! Thank you. Yummm...
I love having tea with you.
I so hope this class works out for me. I do have dvds and tapes but a class helps me know I am doing my poses "right" so I do not have injury! In yoga it is said, "You are as young as your back." I must keep my back in great condition! As I get older I do want to find "my" exercise. I love to walk but when it is icy and so bitterly cold I just cannot!
Always I am grateful for you Chris, and your encouragement. Thank you.
"One scone marmalade, no cream. Thank you."

Sprite said...


Burrrr! The photos are beautiful and clear. Must be the zero degrees took out all the dust in the air. :)

Congratulations on signing up for yoga, good for you!

Sitting yoga sounds wonderful, that way you will ease back in. Take care of your feet, love.


Q said...

Dear Sprite, so right!
The yoga class is working out nicely. I am very aware of all the injury I have had over the last couple of years and am taking things slowly. Feet, knees, shoulders and low back all need to be cared for. The other class members are much older than I am and that is okay. Yoga in a chair works for me for now. As I become stronger I will move into a regular yoga class. I am giving this a year.
Thank you for your kind support as I find my way.
Stay warm and cozy.