Saturday, December 1, 2007

At my desk

There is an inner walk
I take each day.
It is a walk in gratitude.

The woodpeckers come to the suet cakes
that are in the window boxes.
They come to the nut feeders that are under the soffit
outside of my office windows.
In the winter they come for food and shelter.
I can provide this for them.

They can see me.
They learn to trust me.
I learn to trust me too.

Every now and again I stop my work.
For two minutes I watch the woodpeckers.
For two minutes I stretch my legs and my neck.
For two minutes I connect with my source.

The woodpeckers remind me.
Thank you woodpeckers.


Sprite said...


Dearest Sherry,

Mindful woman that you are, & ever holding the grace of 'a cup that
over floweth.' Generosity offers reciprocity. Calming, loving and peaceful thoughts bring more of the same.

Trust is such a beautiful feeling. Source provides abundantly, in all ways.

Walking in gratitude for 'what is,' gives me strength to be mindful each day of connecting, and being.

Inner walks teach us much, thank you for all you do.


smilnsigh said...

Ohhh you did make an entry here. On Dec. 1st. I was afraid you'd lost power in a wind storm, when you had not posted in your regular blog. Silly me. :-)

{awaiting the first 2 big storms of the winter here.}

Q said...

Dearest Sprite,
As I go about my day I often end up at my desk taking care of paper work. I have my mail and computor work to process. I can "sit" too long if I forget to get up. The woodpeckers remind me to stand up, look around, bend and stretch and reach for the stars.
You are very kind and loving. I am grateful on days I do not walk you still are near. Thank you spirit sister..thank you girlfriend!
Each of us has this inner walk we take each day. Yes, our thinking does create our way. I hold thoughts of prosperity and of peace. Thus I experience just that!
Learning to trust myself has taken many years. My "Grandmother body voice" is sweet and loving and fun. It is that voice that says, "Look up and watch the wodpeckers. Have another drink of water."
Lots of hugs and loves,

Q said...

Dear Mari-Nanci,
It was sweet of you to think of me. My husband said there was news of the storms that hit the mid-west. I seldom listen to the news. Some how I seem to learn about what is going on in the world anyway!
I will check on your weather. Winter storms last year kept you in. Do be careful, falling is always a concern when it is icy and snowy.
While I am inside during the winter I like to do some organizing. I still have a house too full of items. If I put together boxes for the neices and nephews now then when I see them I have their boxes ready to give. I know what they like and it is fun to share family things with them. My children have as much as they would like to have! I also have boxes for the Salvation Army, the Big Brothers and Sisters and the Blind. I give to friends as well. I do lots of giving! I would think at some point I would have some space! Reduce, refine and reuse is my motto!
Stay warm and cozy,