Friday, August 29, 2008

In the woods

After an inch of rain last night
I thought the woods would be filled with Dragonflies.
They were not.

I saw a few Damselflies.
These were tiny Bluets not even an inch long!

The goldenrod is beginning to bloom.
It is filled with bugs!

The paths were blocked by spider webs.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An extra five minutes

I took an extra five minutes this morning
when I went to the library.

Just five minutes to walk around and look at the
plantings around the side of the building.

A Common Wood Nymph also came to look about.

I saw my first Common Wood Nymph yesterday.
Today I am reading about this resident butterfly.
There is one brood with females laying eggs in late summer.
The caterpillars over winter in my area.
My butterfly book says the females can live into early October.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Down the street

I watched a Question Mark Butterfly
float into my neighbor's bush.

A Monarch was feeding in the milkweed.

A Red-spotted Purple was sitting quietly
in the blooming wild passion vine

as was a Hackberry.

I visited with a neighbor.
We both are enjoying early Autumn.
She had not noticed the butterflies.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Dragonfly Walk

I walked up to the woods at noon
hoping to see Dragonflies.

A male Ruby Meadowhawk perched near the path.

This one looks to have an orange and black abdomen.
It could be the light or it could be a different Meadowhawk.
Dragonflies are very hard to id!

A female Familiar Bluet watched me as I walked by.
There are 35 species of Bluets in the Damselfly Family.

A pair of mating Bluets flew from the path to a stem.

The season is being to wind down for the Dragonflies and Damselfies.
I will miss them.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Early Morning Walk

The chance of rain increases this afternoon.
I went walking early.

I was following a Viceroy Butterfly.

My neighbor's Southern Magnolia has buds

and blooms

and seed pods all at once.
It is a beautiful tree.
I visit often.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daddy Longlegs

I walked in the woods staying on the path.

A pair of Daddy Longlegs

also walked on the path.

They found each other.

Lots of legs!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking for butterflies

I walked in the cemetry.

I was looking for butterflies.

The female Tiger Swallowtail

and the Monarch

were flying.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Seeking Blue

It was very cool, 53 degrees,
when I went to feed the birds.
The bugs were still sleeping.
The Heavenly Blue Morning glories were awake.

I waited to walk until 10am.
I wanted to see bugs in the woods.

The Chicory that grows on the shoulder of the street
inspires me.

The Day Flower that grows by the sidewalk is so lovely.
It is my new favorite Wild Flower.

The Eastern Tailed-blue was soaking up some sunlight.
I found the blue I was seeking.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Opossum in the Pine

My husband and I walked after the sun had set.
The Opossum was silent.

I was worried, he was too close to the street.

I had seen a Ground Hog earlier laying in the street.
It is dangerous for the little four legged animals.
Thank goodness our friendly Chipmunk is okay.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Morning Walk

I walked for an hour in the woods.

Seeds and berries are hanging from the trees.

Dragonflies were out guarding the trails.
I am learning my Dragonflies.
This appears to be a Blue Dasher.

I am looking for this one's name.

I think it is a male Red-tailed Pennant.

I can not find this Dragonfly in my books either.

After doing a search I think my big green Dragonfly is an Eastern Pondhawk.

I do recognise the Bluets.
I will keep walking in the woods and taking pictures of the Dragonflies and Damselflies.
I will keep trying to id them.
I am looking for the Ebony Jewelwings!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Walking in the woods

I walked in the woods this morning.

A Little Wood Satyr walked with me.

A Silvery Checkerspot warmed in the cool early morning air.

Damselflies defended their territory.

A family of Daddy Longlegs were out hunting for breakfast.
It was busy in the woods this morning.

Friday, August 8, 2008


It was 63 degrees when I awoke.
As soon as the birds were fed I went walking.
I walked across the street, in the cemetery.
I walked in the morning sun.

The birds were singing
and the butterflies were warming up.

I watched the Chickweed Geometer Moth

and the Cottonwood seeds.

Let the games begin!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Northern Breeze

A northern breeze came in overnight.
The heat and humidity are lower today.
I noticed the top leaves of the Fire Bush are beginning to turn.
Very early for any Autumn show.

Perhaps Autumn does not come all at once.

My neighbor's apples are growing.

I will watch them ripen.

The Osage Orange trees have also set fruit.
We call them hedge apples.
Walking in the northern breeze was delightful.
A feel of weather to come.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lunch at the Gallery

I met my new friend at one of the art galleries in my city for lunch.
We had met at a book signing a couple of moths ago.
I feel as if I have known her all my life.

Meeting here was an excellent idea.

The food was delicious
and our server was happy to keep my coffee cup full.
I will return for more luncheons.

The exhibit was interesting.

One room was filled with old automobile tires made into intriguing sculptures.
It made me think of all the cool things one could make with recycled items.
I was inspired.
My new friend is inspiring me.
She is encouraging me to be the unique person I am.