This painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, an Italian sixteenth century painter,
conveys the idea of we are what we eat.

I ask the question, "How can I get back in balance."
Perhaps I was having trouble digesting because of all the troubles in the world.
Perhaps my trouble is a thinking disorder.
Perhaps my thyroid gland is depleated after a long cold winter,
or from stress.
I have read how enviromental stress can affect digestion.
I have questions so I seek answers.
I am learning about the body.
I am learning about the endocrine system.
I drink my ginger lemon tea.
I read.
I am learning about salt.
I asked the question, "How is sea salt harvested?"
When I read I keep a readers journal near by.
I always have questions.
I want to know about so many different topics.
I want to know about the insect, cochineal.
It is still used for a natural red dye.
I am working with my archetypes.
I have questions about them.
has chosen question for this week's word.
I have many, many questions.
I am having fun learning a few answers.