Thursday, July 9, 2009

Walking with the macro

I walked about the yard with the macro lens.
It is always a treat to find the small joys of nature.

I like to see the world up close.

It does get personal when the bugs
land on me!

The Day Flower shimmers in the afternoon sunlight.

The macro lens picks up the glitter.

The birds planted sunflowers in the strangest places.

Seeing the Hog Sphinx also called the Virginia Creeper Sphinx

in the ivy was the best treat of all.

I did not need the macro to see this giant!

I did have to look twice as she was so well camouflaged!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

In my own backyard

I watched the Tiger Swallowtail
necter in the cone flowers.

This is a beautiful sight.

My doctor wanted me to grow the cone flowers so I could make my own tea.
If I did that I would need to dig up the roots.
I think Tiger Swallowtails are much better medicine!
I can buy tea!

Small feathers were floating in the breeze.
The hybiscus caught one.
Cooper's Hawk must have caught lunch.

The bees are in the Bright Eye Cosmos.

The Mimosa tree is in full bloom.

It is a July haven for bees, butterflies and Hummingbirds.

I walked full circle in my yard.
I walked back to the Tiger Swallowtails.
I shall try to walk a few times each day.
I am walking in beauty in my own backyard.
Happy July!