I love Sea Buckthorn.
While shopping for my groceries at my favorite natural food store,
I found a new product line.
I did some research.While shopping for my groceries at my favorite natural food store,
I found a new product line.
I fell in love.
I have begun my Sea Buckthorn treatments.
Lovely face cream and the liquid suppliment tastes great.
My son called and told me all about the delicious healing power
I have now added a teaspoon of coconut oil to my morning coffee
along with a cinnamon stick and rice milk.
I use a coconut face wash and I love toasted coconut
in just about anything.
Some time ago I began using coconut crystals for my
sweetner needs.
The crystals are soft and dissolve quickly.
They do not have a coconut flavor.
Coconut milk is wonderful to steam vegetables in
and makes a nice sauce base.
I am head over heels wild for the good coconut.
or drizzled over lettuce.
Plus it is a perfect afternoon picker upper.

I also enjoy the Very Veggie juice blend R.W. Knudesen makes.
I use the low sodium one.
I like these juices.
They come in glass bottles that I can recycle.
A glass of Very Veggie is delicious with a celery stick.
My research has sold me on their health benefits.
As in all things moderation and balance is the key to good health.
A tablespoon a day has made a huge difference
in my digestion.
I like to support companies that help the wildlife.
I spend lots of time reading when I shop.
I have become very picky about my food.
I am aware of different companies and their fair trade practices.
I use Surface hair products.
The Baba oil I use morning and night on my hair.
Just a tiny bit, pea size, is all I need.
Surface appears to be a wonderful company.
I use some Eminence skin care.
This is very nice firming cream I use on the spider veins on my legs.
I have fallen in love with the taste of fresh red beets
and red kale.
I keep falling in love.
Mother Nature keeps providing suitors.