We honor those who are born during this sun sign.
Today I will sit with the mums and
welcome this sign of the zodiac.
The Alchemist is my archetype
that is associated with this sign.
I am reading the writings of famous
mystics and alchemists.
I will be following
"The Way of the Wizard".
Lesson one informs me the Wizard is within.
I am listening for the voice of the Wizard.
Scorpio is in the southern sky.
Antares is the red super-giant star that is
it's heart.
As the Alchemist knows
"As above so below
As below so above".
"We are one," says the Wizard.
welcome this sign of the zodiac.
The Alchemist is my archetype
that is associated with this sign.
I am reading the writings of famous
mystics and alchemists.
For the next twenty days
"The Way of the Wizard".
Lesson one informs me the Wizard is within.
I am listening for the voice of the Wizard.
Scorpio is in the southern sky.
Antares is the red super-giant star that is
it's heart.
As the Alchemist knows
"As above so below
As below so above".
"We are one," says the Wizard.