Monday, February 18, 2008

Wren and Swan

I am enjoying this book!

I was astounded when I read that those born under the sun sign, Capricorn, which is an earth sign, have an affinity with the Wren. My sun sign is Capricorn and I love the little Carolina Wren.

My moon sign is Cancer. I read that the Swan is the bird associated with the moon and with water and Cancer. Everything I read about these two birds and their meanings applies to me.

A pair of Wrens live in my backyard. I see them often. I have learned from the Wrens.
The Swans live far away from me. I must travel to see them.
Like my Moon sign I must travel inward to know my grace and to honor my sensitivity.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Like a rose

I am like a rose.
Unfolding in my own time.

Each rose in the bouquet is beautiful.
Each rose is different.

Like a rose I can be part of a group.
I can be one in a bouquet.
I can stand alone and shine my light.

I am like a rose.
I am blooming.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Self Care

I have thinking about self care.
I have writing about this.
I have been reflecting.

I walked up to the little pond and looked at the reflections of the trees.
I felt out of balance. I felt confused. To build a program of self care I need to know more. I need help.
I listened to my intuition. The still small voice was directing me to do a Google search.
"Ayurveda Health Spa", I heard.

I searched and I found an Ayurveda Spa within driving distance from my house.
I called and talked with a very nice lady for over an hour.
I gathered information.
I talked with a girlfriend about the need to go away for a little while.
To become balanced once again.
When my husband came home I talked with him.
We looked at the web site and reviewed their treatment program.
We talked about a change in life style.
This morning I made my reservations for a week at the Spa. A retreat for me. A going away for a little while. An opportunity to become balanced. To learn a different way.
I have a month to do my home preperations. A month to gather my wits.
This is my way of honoring Spring. This is my way of learning self care.
This will be my rebirth.
I am going to The Raj in March.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I use the tools of the Ayurvedic.
Sanskrit for "the Science of Life"
to help me radiate my inner glow.

Slowly I have been learning about the self care my body needs.

I have been learning about living in harmony with the natural laws of the universe.

I have been learning about living in balance.

In the Ayurveda way I honor my natural preferences and tendancies.

I am learning my Dosha.

Friday, February 1, 2008


February 1st
is known in the Celtic world as

The history of this tradition and of the three fold goddess, Brigid is inspiring.
Brigid reminds me today to be in balance.
She reminds me I am connected to nature and the cycles of the seasons.

Happy February!