Since rain is in the forecast for tonight
I went walking this afternoon.
I took my camera.
I was looking for tulips.
The walking trail my husband and I walk on in the evenings is in a small city park. Near the trail there are tulips.
The park is in a residential area.
One of the neighbor's has chickens and a pair of turkeys.
I have been wanting to take a few chicken portraits.
I wondered where she went.
I stopped at the woods near by on the way home.
I like the idea of taking the camera for a walk. But maybe the camera can also be taking you for a walk. :)
Dear Bernie,
My camera loves to go out! I do like the idea of HER taking ME for a walk! She does seem to know where she wants to go! If I don't get her out a few times a week I can hear her sighing...
Looking forward to your Walk About!
The Pacific Crest Trail will be amazing!
Beautiful photos of the tulips! The turkeys and chickens look pretty good, too! My camera takes me walking every chance it gets :-)
I can't wait for my tulips to open. It won't be long - we are in zone 5b.
HappY spring... .can't wait to follow you and see what the spring holds for you and the garden.
Very nice pictures. Spring has definitely arrived, hasn't it?
Excellent Photos, espeacilly the chicken ones.
Sherry, I really love the tulips!I am glad that you chose ones with unusual colours! The rooster really is my favourite in this post. And I love all the reflections in the previous post!!
Happy Easter!
it was so nice seeing your lovely tulips and chickens/roosters. what a wonderful neighbourhood you live in to get to see all these beautiful sights.
thanks for taking me along. i loved it.
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