Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Angel Days

I was aware of the Angels

that are part of the decor where we had breakfast this morning.

We visited a new restaurant that opened the first of the year.
My meal was delicious.
I enjoy new to me restaurants and shops.
I enjoy exploring in my city.

We drove through a cemetery
we pass when we walk.

I am taking photographs of Angels
during Pisces.
Today I found Guardian Angels.

This Angel watches over my garden.

Many years ago my friend
painted an Angel to watch over me.

I grew up with Angels.

My first book is a book
of prayers.

I remember these images
of the Angels.

I have begun my study
of Angels.

I am walking with Angels.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Happy Birthday to all those born under the sign of Pisces.
This is your time.

Learning about the different signs of the Zodiac is very fun.
I am a little more connected to my family and friends as I understand a bit of their nature.

The stories of the Zodiac fascinate me.
I am a sky watcher.
Just knowing there are other Galaxies in my night sky fills me with awe. We live in an awesome universe.

The imaginations of those that mapped the ancient
night sky is also awesome.

The art of Pisces

is extraordinary.

Pisces is my time
to look towards the Angels.

I have Angels as my
archetype in Pisces.
This year I am studying
the Archangels.

This year I am taking notes as I read.
I am looking for understanding.

I am looking for the different ways
the Angels help me in
my connection to the divine.

I recommit to my day,
to the Elegant Way.

Each morning is another day to love.
Each day another day
to notice the Wabi Sabi in my life.
Each day I will give thanks to my Mother
and my childhood.
My Mother taught me about the Angels.
My childhood church
had the most amazing stained glass

This year, in Pisces, the 12th House,
I shall be looking for Angels.
I shall visit my childhood church.
I shall bring my camera.
This year I shall walk with the Angels.

May these end of Winter days bring hope
to you and yours.
May you also walk with the Angels.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dragon Days

After Luna New Year but before Spring Equinox when the air warms and rain threatens, I call the days, "Water
Dragon Days." These are the first rains of Spring.
Today is our first Water Dragon day of 2011.

The Eastern Dragons evolve throughout their lifetime. 
The Horned Dragon is the greatest of all the Dragons.
The Horned Dragon is the rain maker.
I love the Eastern Dragons.
I am working up a design for my dragon, Fa.
She is a Spiritual, loving and kind, Dragon.

I am working with the patterns
in this book
making alterations when necessary
 and letting Fa emerge.

This is fun!

I love the Dragons.

I am inspired to create.

Dragons love Hummingbirds too.

I am gathering supplies.
I think collages would be fun.

I am looking about in my yard
to see where I could plant a Dragon Garden.

It could be small.
It could be herbs or native grasses.
A place for butterflies and hummingbirds.
As the skies darken and temperatures rise into the 50's
I am dreaming of Dragons bringing in
the rains.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bitterly Cold

The snow went south and east of us.

I am watching the birds
through the windows.

They are doing fine in the bitter cold.

I am reading

and relaxing.

It is to warm up this weekend.
I hope to go walking.
I miss my walks.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It was snowing when I awoke this morning.

It continued to snow all day.

The backyard filled with birds
looking for seed.

As the afternoon wore on
we had white out conditions.

We decided to bake cookies

and muffins.

We perked a pot of specialty coffee

to go with our cookies while

we kept an eye on the birds.

The prayer flags blew blessings
to those who were out in the blizzard.

Our hearts are with those who
are alone tonight, may they take hope.

We know the storm will pass
and the Fair Maids of  February,
the Snowdrops, will emerge.

Tonight we are in a state of emergency.

It is not fit for man nor beast
to be outdoors.

I am snuggled up in my blankets

thinking about snowmen

and the ways people have survived
the ice and snow.

I am thinking about the bugs.

I am thinking about
all the life under the snow.

It is February.

It is St. Brigid day.

I think I will make Valentine's.

This is a storm for the record books.