The southern breezes
brought the temperature up to 55 degrees.

Once the clouds began to break apart
and the sun came out
I went walking.
I took my gathering basket.brought the temperature up to 55 degrees.
Once the clouds began to break apart
and the sun came out
I went walking.
Spent seed pod and berries will look pretty
in my potpourri bowl.
It is Indian Summer.
love your weather vane, i would like to have one someday. your beautiful images have me imagining the sun kissing my face. it has been overcast all day we are expecting rain this evening.
ps what kind of seed pod is that with the cute little polka dot on it? happy indian summer!
The picture of the weathervane says it all: change is a'comin' so circle your wagons for warmth! I hope that little Asian beetle doesn't make it inside your house. Right now, we have hundreds of them gathered in clusters at the top of our 20-foot ceiling. No way I can get them down. I'm not sure how they survive up there. Have a wonderful weekend!
Dear Marmee,
The weather vane is on my neighbor's house. I like it too!
Once the sun came out it warmed right up. I will need to get my rain gear out soon. We are to have rain and sleet....I was hoping for more Indian Summer days. Maybe they will come again around Thanksgiving.
The seed pod is of the Yucca plant. A neighbor has them growing near the street. The Asian Beetle was a surprise bug.
Thanks for walking with.
I love your pictures! The seeds and "gathering basket" gave me an inspirational thought for a post I am writing so Thanks!
Enjoyed my visit
Dear Beth,
So nice to meet you!
You might also enjoy my other blog, "Q's Corner". "Walking in Beauty" is my walking journal, "Corner" is about birds and bugs and the coming and goings at my house.
I am looking forward to reading your blog.
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