Friday, March 30, 2012

Dancing as fast as she can

Spring is dancing as fast as she can.

I am chasing after her.

When I saw the female Tiger Swallowtail in her
black form my heart sang out,
 "Welcome dear friend. I have missed you."

The Black Swallowtail is already laying eggs.
  I left the fennel for hosting her caterpillars.

 The miracle continues.

All of Spring has bloomed at once.
I check in the morning to see what bloomed over night.
I check in the afternoon to see what is faded.
The Chamomile could open this afternoon.

The Garden Rue is a host plant for the Giant Swallowtail.
It stayed green all winter.

The Bridal Wreath Spirea is beginning to bloom.
I cut a few branches for the house.
The Rhododendron is out pacing the azaleas.
The Scottish once called the last days of March as borrowed days.
I think these March days are borrowed from June.
Highs this weekend are to be in the upper 80's.
The peonies could bloom.
I am dancing as fast as I can trying to keep up with Spring.

Friday, March 23, 2012


The Rain Dragons have brought Spring rains.

We went for a walk in the woods between showers.

The woods have greened.

I am hunting for wildflowers.

The Pale Corydalis was just beginning to bloom.

The sun came out for a little bit.

The sweet smell of Spring filled the air.

The clouds cleared.

I found a few more wildflowers.

I knew the bees would come out soon.

I want Spring Beauty in my flower beds.
I have plenty of dandelions!

We rested by the waterfall.

My lawn has lots of Wild Violets.

I love the bee guide lines
on the violets showing the way 
to the nectar.

Before the rains began last Monday 
I picked a basket full of Wild Violets.
I am drying them for winter teas.
I will harvest more.

I have been reading and making 
garden plans.

I am designing a wildflower garden
for under the front Maple tree.
I want to see the wildflowers in the wild before I buy
my corms and plants.
Spring Beauty looks to be a perfect Wildflower
for my new flowerbed.

The wind was from the southeast.
More thundershowers were in the forecast.

We will hike again when the rain stops.
We are hunting for spring wildflowers.

I am listening to an amazing album.
I am watching the Rain Dragons do their good work.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Warm March Day

The temperature rose to
82 F degrees this afternoon.

I put raisons out for the Robins.

This pair is getting ready to nest.

The tulips in the fig garden are opening.

The Spice Bushes are budding.

Clumps of Daffodils are in bloom

and the peonies are coming up.

I saw a Mourning Cloak butterfly
and an Orange Sulphur.

I dreamed the Baltimore Orioles
returned early o I bought a new feeder for them.

With this quick warm up the
Orioles could come any day!

We took the kites out for an afternoon fly.

This girl and her kite were so pleased
to be in the wind.

The four kites flew wonderfully together.

I bought up the field guides.


My nightstand has gardening books
to review.
I think I will do some planting!