After yoga class I came on home. I liked the class, good stretching and breathing.
We ended our class by taking a few minutes to think about someone we love.
I thought of my husband and his kindness.
I thought of my daughter and her compassion.
I thought of my son and how much he has taught me.
I thought of my lifetime friend and how encouraging she is.
I visualized each of their faces.
I thanked each of them in my mind.
I thanked myself for making the effort to come to class.
Knowing love is part of wellness.
Being grateful is part of joy.

The sun was shining and the temperature began to rise.
The ice and snow was melting.
I went for a walk to check on little pond and to think.
I am grateful for the little pond and I do love her.
The Mallards were swimming on a small bit of open water.
We ended our class by taking a few minutes to think about someone we love.
I thought of my husband and his kindness.
I thought of my daughter and her compassion.
I thought of my son and how much he has taught me.
I thought of my lifetime friend and how encouraging she is.
I visualized each of their faces.
I thanked each of them in my mind.
I thanked myself for making the effort to come to class.
Knowing love is part of wellness.
Being grateful is part of joy.
The sun was shining and the temperature began to rise.
The ice and snow was melting.
I went for a walk to check on little pond and to think.
I am grateful for the little pond and I do love her.
The Mallards were swimming on a small bit of open water.
I was greeted by the Robins.
I was given hope.
I had read a note from my friend before I went walking.One of her friends had died.
Another friend's son had been killed in an car accident.
She felt very sad. My friend is grieving.
I understand grief.
I understand the pain of losing a loved one.
I can offer compassion.
Life is fragile. Be full of care.
How very lovely and beautiful is your journal
Much love and many blessings
Love Jeanne
Dear Jeanne,
Thank you. My daily walk is a walking meditation. I usually do not write so much but this entry needed some explanation.
Stay warm and safe.
Life is fragil, be full of care.
God bless your friend and you!
Holding all in compassion, love, and prayers.
May the memories of the loved ones, never be lost.
Life is fragile...
I'm with you,
Dear Sprite,
All of life is fragil.
As we honor ourselves we must also remember to honor others.
Thank you for honoring and for loving,
Love and light,
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