I had made an appointment for a health assessment last week
for 9:30 am this morning.
I did not know the weather was going to change.
I did not know we would drop
28 degrees in less than three hours.
I went for the appointment anyway.
In the last two years I have lost flexibility and strength. In the last two years I have added on pounds. I sat with my advisor and made a plan. I signed up for yoga classes and strength training. Each day at 10:30 am I have an hour of exercise of some sort.for 9:30 am this morning.
I did not know the weather was going to change.
I did not know we would drop
28 degrees in less than three hours.
I went for the appointment anyway.

At the end of February I will reassess. I will see how I am doing.
The weather was threatening. The blowing snow had not yet begun. I had time to get home before it began or I could stay for a class. It was my decision. I stayed for the class. I am glad I did.
Back home I brought out a new journal. A travel journal. My new adventure for 2008.
My travel to strength and flexibility. I will still walk when the weather permits. I will add activity as I am able.
My advisor suggested oatmeal for breakfast. Apparently my cup of yogurt is not enough. I am writing and making goals. I am planning my rewards. These are realistic goals and realistic plans. I can do this.
I have everything I need to be successful.
Dearest Girlfriend!
I am so thrilled for you to go and do that for yourself!
I totally support you in every way. I like that you have an appointment with yourself at 10:30 AM every day to move your body, gain strength and continued peace of mind.
You Go Girlfriend!
Love you,
Dear Sprite,
This is a huge step for me. HUGE!
A daily commitment to my body, FOR MY body, all about me, unheard of!
Yet that is what I am doing. I am giving myself 2008, to learn the habit of exercise.
When I bought the camera I made a commitment to myself to learn my camera. To do that I created Corner. Not only would I be able to learn the camera but I could share pretty pictures with family and friends. After a year of daily posts I knew my camera. My focus was on the commitment. My motivation was family and friends would come to Corner to find new and exciting pictures! I was looking towards others.
This is different. The focus is on me. It is about what I want. It is about my body not my mind or my spirit, although it is all the same.
I am hoping after a year of daily exercise I will be slim, trim and strong. I want the habit of exercise. I want to be active not only for now but so in five or ten years I can still take the pretty pictures I so enjoy. I want to put my "care taking" natural tendency towards my body.
Thank you for your kind and loving support. Knowing you are here makes all the difference! Knowing you will encourage me when I feel "selfish" rather than "selfless". One year!
I had breakfast at 8:00am.
I am writing up a weekly-daily schedule. A schedule of care of my body.
I love you.
Thank you so very much for being here with me.
Over the moon on a treadmill,
I am so glad you went for a health assessment. When we feel weary, it's a good bet that our body is trying to tell us something. I'm glad you listened.
My best to you, with your new adventure for 2008. In this too, I'd like to _try_ to follow along. Not that I seem to have the dedication which you do. But... regardless... you can be an inspiration.
Btw, I am making an attempt to cut back on the reading/commenting in as many blogs as I have been. I know I need to do this. It is sooo hard though. I feel *badddd* when I do. I feel like I am snubbing kind people and I hate that feeling. And yet, it is so necessary to do what we know we need to do.
And so I didn't go to 'Q's Corner' this morning. I came here instead. And look!!! This entry is so good for me. It is! It speaks to listening to what our body is trying to tell us.
How many times will I say thank you, for your inspiration? :-) 'Tis fine that I feel this need! I am grateful and also grateful that you share with us, and thus, I get inspiration. And views, to make me want to say Thank You.
And I just read your reply to Sprite. It is wonderful.
I'm so happy you have made this commitment. To the 'care taking of your own body.' Wonderful! And wise too. And very wise, too.
Dear Mari-Nanci,
You are welcome. Together we can strive to be as healthy as possible. One step at a time. We can inspire each other.
I was raised to take care of others. The idea being in the process I would be cared for. In some ways it is true too. I have found much comfort in the care of others. I also have done exercise class before with my daughter or to help a friend. I did benefit. This time I am thinking totally about MY body. It is about me. Very different. The idea is "My body is worthy and important to ME." I have been slowly getting "into the body." Slowly I have found the joy and the beauty and the way body is one with mind and spirit.
Taking the time to go to a class, to make the commiment to exercise, is not about anyone but MY body. I am not going so I can make new friends or get out of the house, or to support someone else. I am not doing yoga to find bliss, I know bliss. I am going so my body gets proper exercise. It is more than eat right and drink water and walk, it is about becoming stronger and flexible. I know very little about how best to do this. I am open to being taught. I accept the instructions. One of these days exercise will be as much a part of my daily life as water and meditation. I like to walk and so I will continue to do so but I need a cardiovascular workout. My walking and taking pictures is not getting my heart rate up. I am good about listening to my body now and I hear the call to "work-out."
I have needs now, work-out clothes!
Next week I will get a couple of outfits that are pretty and fun.
Removing the 'shoulds" and the "bads" from our thinking helps so much to remove stress. Our blogs are our way of expressing and we open the door here to everyone. I cannot get around to all the blogs I read, every day. I go as I am able and comment as I am able.
Corner will be there for when you want to see pretty pictures of birds or butterflies. Corner will be there when you need a lift or a quick smile. Walking in Beauty is about our bodies and our minds and our spirits working in balance. It is about ageing gracfully. Here we can share the magic of friendship and the joy of knowing we never walk alone even if our walk is on a treadmill.
My travel journal doesn't have to be written in everyday. There are no rules. I am making up this journey as I go. I do know I like a blue ink pen AND a pink ink pen and I want to add pictures and quotes. It is my journal and my body. I am looking forward to the day I feel "proud" to be in this body. I already feel as if exercise can be fun!
Thank you for spending your energy commenting and reading and being inspired.
Like the wind I want to move...
Bend and stretch and reach for the stars.
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