I walked all about at Cave Springs.
I was looking for butterflies.
I found dragonflies, damsels and darners.
I will get my field guide and see if I can identify them.I was looking for butterflies.
I found dragonflies, damsels and darners.

This darling looks like a Familiar Bluet.
Sherry, I hadn't looked at 'Walking in Beauty' for some time. I just love all of the posts. I must remember to come here more often.
I love the stories you have told especially about chasing the swallowtail butterfly. Aaaahhh the beautiful pictures.
That little chipping sparrow was so upset it had its crown feathers puffed up. You must have been very close to its nest.
However those yoga sandals don't look comfortable. I would never have bought such a thing. I am glad they are comfortable for you.
Dear Lisa,
I do not get to walk every day but I do try at least three times a week to take my camera for a walk. My husband and I try to walk after supper too. He likes to walk quickly so no camera!
So that is why little Chipper was pracing about on the street with his moth! I did not know what he was about. Very cute that is for sure.
The yoga sandals are very comfortable! I do not normally like a flip-flop but having the toes spaced is nice. It aides in balancing and the alignment of my feet and legs. I ordered a couple more pairs in different colors. I wear them all day long. In yoga we are taught to spread out toes. I have not been abole to take class since my toe and knee injury so it is nice to have a wee benifit from yoga even if I cannot do much!
Thank you for checking in on me.
Walking with others is very fun.
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