There are three voices in my head.
Not a committee of twelve,
just three.

The still small voice is more like a whisper.
It is the cool north breeze on a hot day.
It is the sound of the sunflower opening its petals.
It is the scent of the Jasmine, "chose me for your hair."
It is the voice I listen to.
I call this voice my spirit voice.
It a beautiful voice.
My second voice is with me daily.Not a committee of twelve,
just three.

The still small voice is more like a whisper.
It is the cool north breeze on a hot day.
It is the sound of the sunflower opening its petals.
It is the scent of the Jasmine, "chose me for your hair."
It is the voice I listen to.
I call this voice my spirit voice.
It a beautiful voice.

It is a chrip, a look at me.
This is the voice of joy and of sadness.
It is with this voice I fall in love and in wonder.
With this voice I fly over the rainbow.
I call this sweet voice my feeling voice.
I honor this voice.
My third voice is harsh and demanding.
All sorts of instructions come with this voice.
Yesterday the voice said, "Buy bananas."
Over and over it insisted.
I explained, "I buy bananas in the winter.
The store is twenty minutes away, I will put it on the list."
After an hour of non-stop bagering, I relented.
I dressed and went to the store.
I bought bananas.
"Eat banana." Here we go again.
I thought they were for the butterflies.
I ate a banana.
In about 15 minutes I started to feel good.
I was not tired.
I call this voice the body voice.
I seldom listen.
I am listening now.
I ate a banana this morning with out prompting.
So nice!
Dear Sandi,
Thanks honey!
Sprite told me the more I listen to the body voice the sweet it will become. I am listening!
I love it when the body voice says, "Take a walk!"
Ohhh the body voice!
Please remember how it told you, that you were in need of bananas=potassium. And how you felt better, after you did eat a banana.
Yes, you and _I_ both, please remember when our {often overlooked} body voice, speaks to us.
I will try...
Dear Mari-Nanci,
I will listen very closely and respond without complaining to my body voice. I do so hope it becomes the kind Grandmother voice soon! I am eating my banana every morning.
We will walk gracefully into our later years. It is so nice to be able to share these body things.
Sherry, whoes head has always been in the air and her heart on her sleeve and her body forgotten.
Sherry, bananas are the best fruit for the heart. I force myself to eat one a few times a week. And the potassium will take away leg cramps :o)
Dear Mary,
So now I know how you became so "big hearted!"
I am doing pretty good with the bananas. Not my favorite fruit.
Yet I am able to get one in me every day.
I know I need to care for all the body parts and heart is a major one. The pump!
Thanks so much Mary.
I am slow but sure.
Taking care of my body is foreign to me.
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